the most powerful creation in the world
here is an example:

every desinger have to chose one way to match the feeling that the boss wants.
look the picture above what kind of the fonts do you like to use in project?
I think the design is a feeling about how people want to see and feel comfortable,
no matter how it is ,it have to fellow the humanity.
There's always a different between Art and design. I think if the things doesn't have
it's mean purpose and it's too abstruse for people to understand it will be an Art.
Maybe the Art have it's advantage of the beauty but we won't call it a design.
That's why people have developed the combination of Art and product.
Just in order to satisfy the human beings who have the strongest feelings and emotions in the world.

Marco Gobe
Mrco Gobe has setted up emotionalbranding company for everyone knows that what
can be the emotional design done in this world.
Design is not only for the today's life but also for the future.
What can we do? We can use the design to help person knows what he really wants.